Siberian Iris 2024


Shipping in Early May, September and Early October

(Our Spring Iris Shipping Season for 2024 has now ended. We will dig Iris for shipping or pickup in September and early October.)

Elegant Siberian Iris will add a long season of beauty to your garden. After flowering in late May and June, their sword-like foliage remains attractive throughout the growing season. Siberian Iris are tolerant of an extreme range of cultural conditions. Established plants are quite drought tolerant, however they can thrive in damp and boggy conditions. Loam soils, enriched with organic matter and mulched, are ideal. Siberian Iris perform well in sun and light shade.


Siberian Iris can be planted in early spring or fall. Since our New England climate does not allow us to dig much earlier than mid-April, we recommend fall planting for most warmer climates. We will ship plants to you in early September so that they will have two to three months to become fully established before winter. We ship to Northern gardeners in spring and fall.


Siberian Iris are dug for shipping or pick up only in May, September and October only. Our 2024 Spring Shipping Season has now ended.



We dig good-sized divisions (double fan or larger).

Abbreviations and Definitions used, in Descriptions:


  • -- Blaze - the patterned area, usually semi-circular at the base of the falls, extending out from the hafts.


  • -- Falls - 3 lower petals of an Iris flower.


    • -- Haft - Narrow part of falls (and standards) near the center of the flower.


  • -- Self - a flower with all segments the same color.


  • -- Standards - the three upper more or less erect petals of the iris which usually rise above the falls.


  • -- Style Arms - three petal like structures rising from the center of the flower, and bearing the stigma.


    -- Crests - the ruffled tip of the style arms..



  • -- 30" - Flower stalk height                                                   -- L. - Late blooming
  • -- E. - Early blooming                                                            -- (T) - Tetraploid
  • -- M. - Midseason blooming                                                 -- 3" - Flower size
  • -- L.M. - Late midseason
  • -- H. M. Award - Honorable Mention Award                
  • -- Morgan Award - Morgan Award Winner                         
  • -- Award of Merit - Award of Merit             
  • -- Dykes Medal - Dykes Medal Award from England



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Mail to: Tranquil Lake Nursery 

at: 45 River Street    Rehoboth, MA 02769


or fax order form to us at (508) 252-4740


or send an email to Tranquil Lake Nursery


or you can call us with your order at (800) 353-4344


Printable PDF of Siberian Iris Catalog


or if you would like to purchase iris on-line, click "Add to Cart" under the picture of the iris.





Needs Some More Ideas or Can't Decide Which Siberian Iris to Select

Click Here for our Suggested Iris Collections.



ALL IN STIPPLE  (Warburton, B.) 38", M. to L., 5"        $12.00


Beautifully ruffled, violet-blue standards dappled on a lighter ground in tweed-like fashion, rimmed with dark violet blue.  Falls same, tweed-like rim circling white sunburst signal that is mostly concealed by pearly floret type style.  Branching makes a bouquet effect.

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 AMELIA EARHART  (Sass-scheffy) 30", E., 3"                $15.00


Medium blue with unusually open standards. Falls tend to flare upwards.  Interesting form. Occasional rebloom for us.

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  BLUE MOON  (Scheffy, E.) 36", M., 4 ½"                         $12.00


Large, deep blue-violet pendulous falls with contrasting clear-blue styles. More vivid at center.  Wide flaring standards. Outstanding, when in bloom this Iris lights up the fields. H. M. Award.

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  BLUE PENNANT  (McEwen, C.) 30", M., 5 ¼ " (T)       $15.00


Dark, blue-violet standards and falls. Blue-violet blaze with prominent yellow- white edging. Velvety texture and horizontal flaring form. Fine parent. H. M. Award.

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  BLUE REVERIE  (McEwen, C.) 35", E. to L. M., 5 ½" (T)                                                                                                                        $15.00


Beautiful, light blue standards with very wide ruffled styles.  Falls light violet- blue. Ground veined darker with white signals and wide, ruffled styles.

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  CAESAR  (Morgan, F. C.) 38", M., 3 ½"                             $12.00


Classic, broad-petaled, handsome blue-purple flower with pendulous falls and standards.   Styles a bluer shade. Very showy.

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  CAESAR'S BROTHER  (Morgan, F. C.) 38", L. M., 4 ½"                                                                                                                              $10.00


 Striking, velvety deep blue-purple self.  Very smooth look.  

H. M. and Morgan Awards.

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  CARRIE LEE  (Wiswell, G.) 24", M., 4"                              $12.00


Soft, pastel rose pink with light spots and deep rose veins on falls.  Soft muted color.  Showy white signals.  H. M. Award.

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  COLORADO COLONEL  (Varner, S.) 32", M. to V.L.     $15.00


         Mid blue with purple tint; lighter edges.

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  DARK DESIRE  (Varner, S.) 36", V. E. to M.                   $12.00


Deep blue-purple self. No signal.

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  ERIC THE RED  (Whitney, R.) 26", L. M., 4 ½"              $12.00


Large, classic, broad petaled deep wine-red self. Morgan Award.

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  EWEN  (McEwen, C.) 32", E. to M., 5 ¼" (T)                   $15.00


Large, bright wine-red with styles slightly lighter. Wide flaring falls that are a dark wine-red contrasting with pale yellow and brown blaze. Excellent substance. H.M. Award.

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  FOURFOLD WHITE  (McEwen, C.) 36", M. to L., 6" (T)                                                                                                                      $12.00


Very large, pure white with wide flaring form and yellow hafts.  Classic form.  H. M. Award.  (Cross between 'White Swirl' and 'Snowy Egret'.)

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  FROSTY RIM  (Bush, G.) 37 ½", M., 4"                             $12.00


Velvety, deep blue violet, smooth falls with a thin, silvery          wire edge.

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  GULL'S WING  (McGarvey, W.) 36", L., 4 ½"                $15.00


Beautiful pure white flower with flaring form, a yellow blaze and green suffused veining. White signal.

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  HARPSWELL HAPPINESS  (McEwen, C.) 30", E. to L., 4 ½"

                                                                                           (T)            $12.00


Ruffled, standards are creamy white accented with pale          yellow-greenish hafts. The cream-white falls are veined in pale greenish yellow against a yellow base area and yellow hafts.

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  HARPSWELL HAZE  (McEwen, C.) 35", M., 5 ½" (T)  $10.00


Overall light hazy-blue color with dark violet-blue veining. Upright standards and flaring true-blue falls with a white blaze.  Medium light-blue style arms.

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  ILLINI CHARM  (Varner, S.) 24", E. to L., 4"                   $12.00


  Flaring, light wine and lilac with white signals. Ruffled.

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  KAMAYAMA  (I. sanguinea) 36", M., 3 ½"                     $10.00


This purple selection of Iris sanguinea has a striking flower form with pendulous falls and vertical standards.

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KING OF KINGS (Varner, S.) 33", M. to L., 4"                 $15.00


 A large, wide white self with faint green veining and green shaft on falls. Outstanding in a clump and for performance. H. M. and Morgan-Wood Awards.

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  LAUGHING BROOK  (Waite, K.) 36", M., 4"                   $12.00


 Dark violet purple with white signals and light violet style arms.

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  LIMEHEART  (Brummitt, M.) 34", M., 4"                         $15.00


Unique white flower with pale green overcast.  Wide petalled and especially crisp look.  Top quality.

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  LLEWELLYN  (Cleveland, F.) 38", M., 4 ½"                     $10.00


Gorgeous, large, light purple-blue color that glows with lighter standards.  Very large flaring standards.  A favorite here.

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  MARANATHA  (Varner, S.) 40", M. L., 4 ½"                  $12.00


Superb velvety royal purple self with very little signal showing.  Marvelous color.

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  MARILYN HOLMES  (McEwen, C.) 27", M., 4 ½"        $12.00


Superior round-form flower with dark violet-blue falls and contrasting lighter standards and styles.  Rich color and nicely ruffled form.

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  MATANE  (Preston, I.) 27", M., 3 ½"                                $15.00


Distinctive ruffled milky white with yellow hafts. Slightly fluted and low growing. Very showy.

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MISS DULUTH (Sass, J.) 31", M. to L., 4"                     $12.00


Glowing, deep velvety reddish purple with contrasting blue styles. Very pretty color combination.

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  MOON DRUMMER  (Cleveland, F.) 38", M., 4 ½"       $12.00


Gorgeous, large, light purple-blue color that glows with lighter standards.  Very large flaring standards.  A favorite here. So iridescent that it shines across the field.

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   ONG’S HAT  (Wood, I.) 36", M., 4 ¾"                              $15.00


Large, glistening, wide-petaled warm white with full yellow haft. Pollen in especially potent in hybridizing.  Seedling of White Swirl.  Named for a town in New Jersey. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery.

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  PERCHERETTE  (Warburton, B.) 35", M., 4 ¾"          $15.00


Beautifully ruffled, pink-toned violet self with deeper veining.

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  PERCHERON  (Warburton, B.) 35", M., 6"                    $12.00


Heavily ruffled, veined and dappled large purple-violet standards and falls.  Aqua styles fringed at midribs.  Green signals.  Blooms on tall sturdy stems.

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  PINK HAZE   (McGarvey, W.) 38", M., 4 ¼"                  $12.00


Lovely, clear, pure light pink.   H. M. and Morgan Awards.

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  PINK SNOWTOP  (McGarvey, W.) 40", M., 3 ½"         $10.00


A beautiful lavender-pink amoena, standards open light pink and fade immediately to white.  Falls pink, opens to  moderate purplish pink.  Style arms white.

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  PIRATE PRINCE  (Varner, S.) 28" M. L., 4 ½"              $10.00


Classy, deep blue-purple standards over lustrous rich-purple flaring falls.  No signals.   Green overlay on shaft.

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  ROARING JELLY  (Shafer-Sacks) 36", M.                        $12.00


Full, round and slightly recurved flowers have dappled          bright raspberry falls with pale lavender-grey standards           with diffused red veining that are also slightly dappled.          Signal white with dark veining and dark blue flush.  Style arms lavender-grey flushed blue aqua.   Lovely and distinctive.  H.M., Award of Merit and Morgan-Woods Medal winner.

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  ROYAL HERALD  (Scheffy, E.) 33", M., 3 ½"                $15.00


Dark rich blue-purple with near-black falls.   Flaring standards and very wide falls.  H. M. Award.

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  SALEM WITCH    (Spofford, D.) 40", V. E., 3 ½"          $12.00


Striking with heavy color veining on medium reddish-purple base.  Large white blaze.  One of the earliest to bloom here at the nursery.

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  SALLY KERLIN  (McEwen, C.) 27", M., 4 ½"                 $12.00


Round, ruffled clear pale blue with light lavender tone.  Pure white blaze and horizontal form.

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  SNOWCREST  (Gage, L. M.) 28", L. M., 3 ¼"                $10.00


Sparkling, snow white with heavy texture and stately form.  Morgan Award.

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  SNOWY EGRET   (Cleveland, F.) 34", L. M., 4"            $10.00


Large, pure-white flowers with frilled edges.

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  SUMMER SKY  (Cleveland, F.) 30", M., 3¼"                $10.00


Outstanding, small variety with light-blue falls,  yellow hafts, and pastel-violet standards.  Looks like a myriad of butterflies. Unique reverse light blue amoena.

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  TEAL VELVET  (McEwen, C.) 33 ½", V. E. to M., 5 ½"                                                                                                                $12.00


 Very velvety, dark reddish purple.  Self styles.

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  TEALWOOD  (Varner, S.) 27", M., 4"                              $15.00


Beautiful, smooth, very dark velvety blue purple self with flat form. H. M. and Morgan Awards.

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  TROPIC NIGHT  (Morgan, F. C.) 30", L., 3 ½"            $10.00


Deep velvety blue-violet with a white veined patch on the falls.  Large flowers with striking color and texture.  Morgan Award winner.

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  VALDA  (Back, A.) 32", E., 4 ¼"                                        $10.00


Deep royal-blue standards.  Falls a deeper royal blue with yellow and black blaze ending with fan-shaped white markings at edge.

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  VELVET NIGHT  (Edwards, P.) 20", M.                          $10.00


Very dark, velvety blue-violet self.   H. M. Award.

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  VI LUIHN  (DuBose, S.) 34", M. L., 4"                             $12.00


Luxurious velvety violet-blue self.  Pale yellow signal.           Especially well branched.  H.M. and Morgan Awards.

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  WHITE TRIANGLES  (Warburton, B.) 30", L. M., 4"   $15.00


Large white iris with great substance.  Wonderful flat form and 3 to 4 buds per stem.

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Tranquil Lake Nursery Order Form


We are building up stock on the following Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica).  They will be available in future years: We are building up stock on the following Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica).  They will be available in future years: Annick; Anniversary; Appaloosa Blue; Bee; Belfast; Blue Burgee; Blue Mere; Cabernet; Cambridge; Chartreuse Bounty; Cleve Dodge; Cool Spring; Dancer's Fan; Dark Circle; Deep Shade; Dianne's Daughter; Dreaming Green; Early Bluebird; Fairy Dawn; Floating Island; Forest McCord; Fourfold Lavender; Gatineau; Harbor Mist; Harpswell Hallelujah; Hubbard; Illini Peace; Isabelle; Ivory Lemon; Jaybird; Joretta; Lights of Paris; Louis J; Moon Sprite; Mountain Lake; My Love; Natick; Nora Distin; Omar's Cup; On and On; Pansy Purple; Perry's Pygmy; Polly Dodge; Prescious Doll; Purple Mere; Rare Jewel; Red Passion: Rehoboth Gem; Rose Quest; Ruffled Velvet; Sapphire Bouquet; Shadow Lake; Snow Bunting; Snow Flare; Snow Prince; Snow Queen; Strand Perle; Superego; Tiffany Lass; True Love; Tycoon; Velvet Gown; Weisser Orient; Weisser Zerg; White Amber; White Dove; Wing on Wing; Wisley White; Yankee Doodle Boy and Young Lady. 


Printable PDF of Our Siberian Iris Catalog


Needs Some More ideas or Can't decide Which Siberian Iris to Select

Click here for our suggested Siberian Iris Collections.