Daylilies Hybridized

by Daylily Breeder Bob Sobek

The daylilies that are listed below are in good supply. We have smaller numbers of a few of these Sobek Daylilies and they will be offered in future years. We ship healthy double-fan divisions or clumps (4-5 fans), unless other-wise indicated. Occasionally, low stock varieties and some new introductions will be shipped as single fans. Our guarantee still applies.

Abbreviations used, in sequence:

4"  - Flower size

D. - Dormant (foliage goes totally brown in early winter)

Ex.E - Extra early blooming

M.L. - Late midseason

(CL) - 4-5 fans

S.Ev. - Semi-evergreen ( may retain a small portion of green foliage during winter)

E. - Early blooming

H. M. - Honorable Mention

(T) - Tetraploid

Ev. - Evergreen ( reacts the same as Semi-evergreen here in the North)

E.M. - Early midseason

J. C. - Junior Citation of American Hemerocallis Society

35" - Flower scape height

M. - Midseason

Click here for a list of all available daylilies in alphabetical order 

or here for printable file of our most popular daylilies and iris.

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  AERIAL (Sobek) 34", D., M., 2 ½"                                           $10.00

Wonderful small gold miniature.   Tall scapes that wave gently in the breeze and are covered with a profusion of blooms.   The red-gold bitone buds add additional interest.   Resembles golden chimes, but flowers more heavily

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  BACK TO SCHOOL (Sobek) 42", D., V.L., 4 ½                        $18.00

A true very late daylily for the garden. This small flower is a rose-red self with a green throat. It has a slightly darker eye and light mid-ribs. All segments recurve slightly. Its bloom season is a welcome addition to the late summer garden. A 2003 Introduction from Tranquil Lake Nursery

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  BIDING MY TIME (Sobek) 30 ", D., L., 4"                                    $25.00

This vibrant four inch polychrome flower will bring an exciting end to the summer garden. The beautiful melon background color is lightly infused with lavender and has a strong lavender midrib that gives this beauty an extra graceful pizzazz. At Tranquil Lake Nursery, this daylily has been drawing comments of exclamation since we began growing it. The scapes are well branched with twenty plus buds that yield a solid sequence of bloom into mid September. Opens well on those cool late summer nights

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  BLUEBERRY TRUMPETS (Sobek) 47", D., E., 3 ¼"                   $25.00

Only a miniature, but what an extraordinary color break Bob has found in this hybrid for our early bloom season. Trumpet like flowers of deep blue-purple with a pleasing creamy green throat tower above the other perennials in the spring garden. Not an unusual bud count at 18 buds per scape, but its multiple scapes, height and color say, “Hey, look at me.” It may seem like a flash appearance but a fabulous color especially when grown with the contrast of other early daylilies like SUZIE WONG or NEON YELLOW. Worth owning for many reasons. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

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  BUSTING OUT ALL OVER (Sobek) 27", D., Ex E., 3"           $18.00

An amazing miniature daylily that is a very consistent rebloomer which can increases to a small clump after one growing season. This pale, cream-yellow flower has faint lavender midribs that lead to a green throat that give this soft colored hybrid a little star power in the garden. In 2010, this lovely plant bloomed three different times and our hard frosts of late September was all that halted new, emerging scapes from flowering. Branched scapes give several blooms per day during the peak of each sequence of rebloom. This can be a champion in any garden. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006. 

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  COOL SPICE (Sobek) 36", D., M., 5 ¼”                                          $28.00

Fragrant, greenish yellow self with green throat. Quite tall. 

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  COPPER CHAMELEON (Sobek) 32", D., M.L., 3"                          $18.00

A beguiling blackish purple with a near black eye and gold throat. The color changes through the day becoming burnished with red copper highlights above the black eyezone. Fragrant. A 2001 introduction from Tranquil Lake Nursery. 

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  DACAPO (Sobek) 28", D., E.M., 3 ½”                                              $20.00

A delightful soft, pale yellow miniature with a small purple eyezone that adds a near pixie like bloom face in our late June garden. Almost a near white, the purple eyezone give great contrast as it surrounds a pale green throat. As the musical name implies, the recurring soft refrain within the season is truly welcome when it reblooms in the midst of so many bright yellows and golds of August. Along with Bob's "Busting Out All Over", this is one of his more prolific rebloomers from the 2010 growing season.

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  ECHO THE SUN (Sobek) 41”, D., M, 3 ½”                                    $18.00

Tiny, bright yellow flowers with green throat. Nocturnal and an excellent bloomer. Very tall. 

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  FACE TO FACE (Sobek) 29" D., Ex.E., 4"                                        NA

This small, sparkling melon-gold daylily brings its cheerfully blooming face into the early season garden, frequently offering two flowers blooming on the same scape face-to-face. A good rebloomer; this hybrid is one of Bob's earlier successes and part of the platform that he used to create many of his reblooming daylilies. 

  FIRST ROSE OF SUMMER (Sobek) 34", D., E., 4 ⅛"                   NA

A beautiful daylily flower of rose pink with a slightly darker rose halo above an intense green throat that begins to bloom here in mid-June. Lightly ruffled, this vibrant pastel child of "In Strawberry Time", has a clearer tone of pink very welcomed in the early daylily season. Pleasing foliage and good bud count add to this winner. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006. 

  FLOURISH OF TRUMPETS (Sobek) 40", D., M.L. to L.               $18.00

Light cool yellow self with a green throat. Flower has creped, narrow segments with excellent substance. Good branching and bud count. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2003. 

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  FOR OPENERS (Sobek) 36" D., M., 4 ½”                              $18.00

Tall, small bright yellow daylily. 

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  FRAISES AU LAIT (Sobek) 36”, D., M.                                       NA

This small flowered clear pink has a narrow band of soft rose above a yellow-to-green heart. Petals have pleasing light ruffling with a faint light midrib. A very nice addition to Bob’s hybridizing line that may bring forth more soft pastels from his program. Good bud count and flower substance. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2003. 

  FULVOUS BRUSHMAN (Sobek) 39", D., L., 5 ¾"                     $20.00

A wonderful addition to the late garden scene. Though it resembles the H. fulva species daylily that marks the beginning of summer for some, this hybrid is far on the other end of the season. With its narrow bright orange segments, each with an orange-red eye and yellow midrib, these flowers shine in the autumn sun. Each scape carries 28 buds and can bloom for five weeks or more in the garden. Not special for color or flower form, but special for its season extension and endurance of color on cool fall nights. It sparkles morning after morning until the end of September. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

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  GOLDORA (Sobek) 26", D., Ex.E., 2 ½”                                        $15.00

Very early, hot golden orange miniature. 

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  HEAVY MAKEUP (Sobek) 26", S.Ev., M.                                        $15.00

Small salmon rose with a prominent wine eye that pales as it descends into the yellow-green throat. Red veins enhance the recurved segments. Excellent bud count make this very appealing in the garden. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2003. 

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   IN STRAWBERRY TIME (Sobek) 18”, D., EX.E.                          $12.00

Tantalizing, small flowered, lightly ruffled, dusty-rose blend with a strawberry-wine eyezone and creamy white midribs. Its early bloom season, alluring color and nocturnal quality make it a popular attraction at the nursery. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1998

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  IRON MAIDEN (Sobek) 45”, D., M.                                              $18.00

Small flowered gold blend with a faint pale purple overlay that creates a subtle yet intriguing look to the bloom. Light midribs radiate back to empty into a broad cream throat with a small green center. Recurved sepals are cream. Good bud count. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2003. 

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  MELON EXTRACT (Sobek) 30", D., M.L. to L., 3 ⅔”                    $18.00

Small, strong orange melon flower with small green throat. Nice form and substance. Very good bud count. Excellent addition to the late garden. 

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  MERLIN'S MOTH (Sobek) 48", D., M.L., 5 ⅛"                               NA

Perhaps the Celtic wizard’s dark side came into play to help create this dark, nearly black-red flower. Truly, our most sunfast black-red we grow and in a perfect season to showcase its height and color in the waning days of many summer gardens. A 5 ⅛” dark flower with a darker velvety eyezone over a yellow-green throat that has a pleasing flower form and very good foliage. Special for color and season, this daylily is held high above the other perennials in the border and easy to match up against the contrasting ‘hot’ colors of August. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

  NUMBERS GAME (Sobek) 31", D., E. to M.L., 3 ½"                  $15.00

A small lemon-yellow flower with a green throat. This has wonderful branching and a surprising bud count that may make you think it reblooms. An extended bloomer, this garden performer has 40 or more buds per scape. A pleasing addition to any garden

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  OPAL PRINCESS (Sobek) 35”, D., M.L., 5”                                  $20.00

Tall, gold-pink blend with small green throat for the August garden. Extended blooming. 

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  PALMISTRY (Sobek) 36", D., M.L, 8 ½" (T)                             $18.00

An enormous yellow daylily with green infusions and a green throat. This flower's size, open form, color and height create a real sensation in the garden. Blooms in August. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2001. 

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  PUMPKIN TIME (Sobek) 37", D., L., 5 ¼”                                    NA

Tall, brilliant golden-orange daylily. This bud builder that starts blooming late and continues on-and-on until a killing frost stops it. An excellent addition to the late garden. 

  RAIN FOREST (Sobek) 28", D., M.L., 5"                                         NA

This well formed flower is an intoxicating chartreuse hue. The tepals' green cast is accentuated by an even greener throat. Good substance, luxuriant foliage and fragrance top off this stunning display Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2001. 

  RED DUNDANCY (Sobek) 25", D., E.M., 3 ⅛"                                 $18.00

Another child of "In Strawberry Time" that has created a different result and the added pleasure of rebloom. A nocturnal miniature with petals the color of soft rose and a slightly darker rose eyezone above a large throat of yellow shading to apple green. With more ruffling than the parent, this cultivar becomes a very sweet, pleasing flower for the garden. Not a high bud count but rebloom occurs soon after the first blooms are extinguished or even missed. Reblooms for us in the late season. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

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  RED FLAT FRED (Sobek) 37", D., M.L., 5 ½" (T)                       $25.00

As a tetraploid, this is a big departure from Bob’s usual work with diploids. But this was a step well taken, as this 5 ½” soft cardinal red finds itself smack in the season of the great reds of late July and early August. This cultivar has a respectable 3-way branched scapes with a bud count of 17 that produces flowers that are sunfast and of good substance. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

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  SEVENTH INNING STRETCH (Sobek) 40", D., L., 4 ½"     $18.00

What a wonderful tribute to America’s true pastime, Gardening. In the late garden, this tall bright red All-Star is a work horse for its enduring time of bloom, branched scapes and good color saturation that blooms here for five weeks or more. It is truly the ‘stretch’ for the garden and certainly a welcomed player as the season closes. In a clump, many, many scapes make this a winner. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

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  THE KIND OF SEPTEMBER (Sobek) 30", D., V.L., 5 ¼           $25.00

Truly a brilliant addition to the late season garden, this lemon-yellow hybrid sings the praises of the warm autumn days that gardeners love so well. An excellent increaser this late daylily also has fine foliage from which its many scapes rise. Each scape carries 27 plus buds on six way branching. When the 5 and 1/4 inch flowers start blooming, this daylily truly lights up the garden over a five week blooming period. Pleasing color, performance and season lateness make this a gardeners “must have” daylily for the late perennial garden. 

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  THREE SEASONS (Sobek) 21", D., Ex.E. to V.L., 2"                     $12.00

Miniature, light yellow jewel with a small green throat. Reblooms, almost spanning the daylily season here, with nine buds per scape and 3 or 4 scapes per fan. Nocturnal and extended blooming.  Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1996. 

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  TOY TRUMPETS (Sobek) 33", D., M., 2"                                     $12.00

Miniature, clear-yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers grace very heavily branched scapes. Its vase-shape, clump habit, strong scapes and its overall grace make this a superb daylily for the mixed perennial garden.  Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1996. 

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  WITH BELLS ON (Sobek) 37", Ev., M., 5"                                     $18.00

Stunning, salmon-rose flower with wide wine eyezone and yellow-green throat. 

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45 River Street Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769-1395Phone: 508-252-4002 Fax: 508-252-4740 or send an e-mail to