Spider & Spider-Like Daylilies

A Spider is a daylily (Hemerocallis) with long thin segments, having a length to width ratio as high as 5 to 1.

Spider and Spider-like flowering daylilies (Hemerocallis) are always interesting and very lovely additions to your daylily collection. The spiders listed below are in good supply. We have smaller numbers of many other double daylilies and are building stock for future years. We ship healthy double-fan divisions or clumps (4-5 fans), unless other- wise indicated. Occasionally, low stock varieties and some new introductions will be shipped as single fans. Our guarantee still applies.

Abbreviations used, in sequence:

4"  - Flower size

D. - Dormant (foliage goes totally brown in early winter)

Ex.E - Extra early blooming

M.L. - Late midseason

(CL) - 4-5 fans

S.Ev. - Semi-evergreen ( may retain a small portion of green foliage during winter)

E. - Early blooming

H. M. - Honorable Mention

(T) - Tetraploid

Ev. - Evergreen ( reacts the same as Semi-evergreen here in the North)

E.M. - Early midseason

J. C. - Junior Citation of American Hemerocallis Society

35" - Flower scape height

M. - Midseason

Click here for a list of all available daylilies in alphabetical order 

or here for printable file of our most popular daylilies and iris.

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Mail to: Tranquil Lake Nursery 

at: 45 River Street    Rehoboth, MA 02769


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or send an email to Tranquil Lake Nursery


or you can call us with your order at (800) 353-4344


or if you would like to purchase daylilies online, click "Add to Cart" under the picture of the daylily.



Spider and Spider-Like Daylilies

  AABACHEE (Cheetham) 32", D., M.L., 8"                                                   $12.00

Large spider of deep mahogany red with white margins. A unique variety.  Reblooms.

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  ARRIBA (Griesbach-Hardy) 32", D., E., 5" (T)                                        $15.00

Striking dark velvety red with very green throat gives a beautiful effect. Early blooming with extended bloom. H.M. Award. 

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  ASIATIC PHEASANT (Knower) 22", D., M., 6" (T)                                   $10.00

Exotic, russet yellow spider-like form with rolled petals and yellow-green throat.  Nice low growing attention grabber.  Fragrant and reblooms. 

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  AUTUMN BLAZE (Richards) 38”, D., V.L.                                                $12.00

Very late blooming brilliant red self with green throat. Tall and extended blooming. 

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  AUTUMN MINARET (Stout) 66", S.Ev., M.L. to V.L.                                 $12.00

Extra late blooming, very tall, yellow with faint red overlay.  Candelabra branching gives it a super bud count.  Fragrant altissima hybrid spider of medium size.   Extended blooming.  A welcome addition to the late garden. 

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  BICOLOR (Stout) 40", S.Ev., M.                                                                  $12.00

Strongly contrasting red petals beside yellow sepals. Tall and wide open spider-like flower. 

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  CAROLICOLOSSAL (Powell) 36”, S.Ev., E. to E.M., 10”                           $18.00

Enormous muted orangy yellow self with green throat. Wide open-spider form with light fragrance. One of the largest flowered daylilies we grow. Nocturnal and reblooms.

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  CHALLENGER (Stout) 48", Ev., M to L.                                                      $15.00

Extra tall, medium red flower of modest dize.  High bud count and candelabra branching coupled with its very late season makes it a welcome addition to the garden.  An altissima hybrid.   Reblooms.  H.M. Award.

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  CHICAGO STAR (Marsh) 26", S.Ev., M, 8" (T)                                             $12.00

Huge bright yellow flower with impeccable form.  A super daylily.  H.M. Award.  

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  CORAL CRAB (Douglas) 32”, S.Ev., M.                                                            $18.00

Tall coral pink spider with red eyezone and green throat.

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  CREAM GIANT (Lankart) 20", S.Ev., E.M., 8"                                              $15.00

Huge cream-yellow daylily with spidery star-shaped open form on short stalks.

  DALLAS STAR (Ferris) 28”, S.Ev., M., 6 ½”                                                $12.00

Large, star-shaped, pale lavender-pink blooms accented with a yellow-green throat that extends out to the petals and sepals. 

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  DARK STAR (Connell) 32", Ev., E.M., 7"                                                    $18.00

Startlingly different, seven-inch stars of deep blue purple. A tall and unique, almost spider variety.

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  DOUBLOON (Nesmith) 40", D., M.                                                                 $12.00

Deep orange-yellow spider-like flower of good size and quality.

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  DUCAT (Dennett) 36", D., M.                                                                         $18.00

Fine large soft orange with unusual square ended petals. Spider-like.  Fine tall garden variety.  Reblooms. 

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  DUMORTIERI (Species) 28", D., Ex.E., 4"                                             $12.00

Star-shaped, golden-yellow flower with unusual red-brown color on underside of sepals. The red buds are distinctive. Very fragrant. Foliage is blue green and spikey.

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  EMILY BROWN (Russell) 36”, D., E., 5 ½”                                               $18.00

Brilliant glowing orange for the early garden. Tall and very large flower with fantastic six way branching

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  ERIN FARMER (Childs) 36”, D., M.                                                         $18.00

Huge light pink blend with extra heavy substance. Fragrant. H.M. Award.

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  FELICITY (Nesmith) 40”, D., M.                                                                  $15.00

Very large and tall, well branched, spider-like, light yellow-green daylily with long bloom season. Reblooms.

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  GALENA STAR (Blocher) 30”, D., M.                                                           $18.00

Brilliant and shining, star-shaped gold-orange spider- like flower.

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  GOLDEN ORCHID (Dennett) 36”, D., E.M.                                                $18.00

Large deep golden orange star shaped daylily on tall scapes. A favorite in the late June garden. 

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  GULF STREAM (McEwen-Brooks) 30”, D., M., 7 ½” (T)                          $18.00

Large chartreuse blend with seaweed-green throat. Fragrant and extended blooming.

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  HESPERUS (Sass) 42”, D., M.L.                                                                    $12.00

Very tall bright yellow spider-like daylily for the August garden. Extended blooming. 

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  HERNANDO STAR (Bolin) 32”, S.Ev., M., 8”                                             $18.00

Huge deep golden-yellow daylily. Nice star-like form.

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  ITSY BITSY SPIDER (Bishop, H.) 35", D., E., 3 ½”                                   $15.00

Unusual crispate for on this small lemon-yellow spider self with green throat. A tall early bloomer. 

  KINDLY LIGHT (Bechtold) 28”, D., M., 10"                                               $15.00

Spectacular, huge classic spider daylily of yellow-green citrus color. The standout by which all spider forms are judged. Extended blooming. A. M. Award.

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  KING SIZE (King) 36", S.Ev., E.                                                                     $15.00

Very large yellow bitone with faint yellow-brown dusting on edge of petals with green throat.  Among the finest large early yellows.  Excellent substance and spider-like form make this a top quality daylily.

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  LADY FINGERS (Peck) 32”, D., M., 6”                                                          $18.00

A fine spider-type yellow-green flower with excellent blue-green foliage. Always attracts attention. Tall and large.

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  LADY INARA (Hall) 35”, D., E.M.                                                                $15.00

Nice pink with a touch of lilac. Ruffled and orchid-like in form. Fine quality spider-like flower. H.M. and A.M. Awards.

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  LAKE NORMAN SPIDER (Carpenter) 28", D., M., 8"                                $18.00

Rose-pink blend with cream-green eyezone and green throat. Very large, spider form. Fragrant and extended blooming. J.C. Award. 

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  LAST QUARTER (Hathaway) 34”, D., V.L., 6 ½”                                       $18.00

Large, clear lemon yellow with open spider form. Crisp substance adds quality to the end of the season. Fragrant.

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  LATE SUMMER BREEZE (Barth-Barth) 48" D., M.L, 7"                            $18.00

This large, lemon spider variant has an extraordinary presence in the August garden. The fragrant blooms are carried on tall, thin and strong, graceful scapes adding gentle movement in any breeze. Scapes have six branches and an average of 20 to 22 buds per scape that create a sweet, abundant bloom display. Superb dark green foliage gives this well proportioned plant a rich appearance. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1999.

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  LILLY DACHE (Hall) 40”, D., M.L., 8"                                                          $18.00

Different form with twisting petals and sepals mark this tall, very large brilliant gold-orange spider with reddish edging. H. M. Award.

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  MIDWEST MAJESTY (Sass) 50”, D., M.                                                         $18.00

Extremely tall large yellow self with excellent form, substance and branching. Extended blooming. Good background plant for the garden. Award of Merit.

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  MISS JESSIE (Hardy) 40”, D., M.                                                                $12.00

Very large, orchid-mauve and light yellow bicolored spider form. Quite tall. H.M. Award.

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  MONSTER (Pettus) 32”, D., M., 9” (T)                                                        $15.00

Huge and tall spider that is a yellow blend with faint mahogany brushing and edges and a green throat. Size and slight fragrance makes this massive daylily rather special.

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  MRS. DAVID HALL (Kraus) 30”, D., M.                                                    $18.00

Sharp, rich mahogany-red eyezone contrasting with melon background. Eye catching.

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  NASHVILLE (Claar) 39”, D., M.                                                                   $12.00

Pretty triangular-shaped. flat-opening clear yellow with orange red eyezone.

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  NELLIE’S CURLS (Ward, L.) 25", D., M., 9"                                               $18.00

Huge, fragrant, bright yellow spider with a wide green throat and petals that curl back on themselves. H. M. Award

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  NEVERMORE (Wheeler) 40", Ev., E.                                                        $18.00

Tall, early blooming, deep blackish-red spider-like daylily. Fragrant and reblooms. 

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  NORTHBROOK STAR (Fay) 29”, D., M.L., 6 ½” (T)                                 $12.00

Extra large, heavy-blooming, Star-shaped, lemon yellow for the August garden. Fine quality

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  OH JOY (Lyell) 38", D., M.                                                                            $15.00

Fine tall, clear orange with good size and star-like form.

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  OPEN HEARTH (Lambert) 26", D., M., 9"                                                $15.00

Unusual Form. Spatulate, huge, red and copper bitone spider with ruby halo and green throat.

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  OPHIR (Farr) 50”, S.Ev., M.                                                                         $15.00

Very tall, orange-yellow star-shaped daylily. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  ORANGEMAN (Yeld) 24”, D., Ex.E.                                                              $12.00

Extra early blooming bright orange, star-shaped flower. Brightens the early garden. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  ORCHID CORSAGE (Saxton) 32", D., M.L., 7 ½"                                         $12.00

Huge, orchid lavender with a light yellow starburst throat adds to an overall exotic look. Petals twist lightly and gently recurve. Fragrant and reblooms.

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  OUACHITA BEAUTY (Pitard) 36", Ev., E.M.                                              $18.00

Large and tall, pretty pink-orchid pastel polychrome spider with orchid halo. Unusual. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  PAINTED LADY (Russell) 36”, Ev., M.                                                           $12.00

Tall and very large cinnamon-orange washed gold polychrome with darker veins in petals and sepals. Spider like, extended blooming and reblooms. A.M. and Stout Medal awards.

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  PARADE OF PEACOCKS (Oakes) 36”, D., M.L., 8”                                       $18.00

Huge and tall, rose-peach spider with rose eyezone and cream
throat. Unusual form.

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  PEACH PINWHEEL (Hall) 26”, D., M.L., 7 ½”                                           $18.00

Enormous, iridescent peach and cream-pink blend with glowing
apricot throat for the August garden. Faint fragrance.

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  PICTURE (Lester) 40", D., E.M.                                                                   $15.00

Tall orange-red daylily with spider-like form and a yellow-green throat. A.M. and H.M. Awards.


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  QUEEN OF GONZALES (Russell) 36”, Ev., Ex.E., 5"                                  $15.00

Extra early, large and tall, brilliant orange with very heavy
substance. Extended blooming. Needs winter mulch here. 

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   REVOLUTE (Sass) 46”, D., M.L.                                                                   $12.00

Tall and large, crisp, clear greenish-yellow flower with open semi-spider
form. Extended blooming. Reblooms. Stout Medal winner.

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  RICHARD (Norton) 48”, D., L. to V.L.                                                      $15.00

This tall, medium-orange spider flower is exceptional for its late season
of bloom, starting in August and continuing into October.

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  SARATOGA PINWHEEL (Saxton) 32", D., M., 6 ½" (T)             $18.00

Large, deep velvety red semi-spider with cream edges and chartreuse throat. 

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   SAVANNAH MOON (Joiner) 26”, D., E.M., 7”                                         $18.00

Large yellow flower with deeper yellow center that blooms in the June
garden and then reblooms.

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   SHAKER DANCE (Boucher) 28”, D., M.L. to L., 7”                               $12.00

Twisting recurved two-inch wide petals give an artistic form. Each
segment is washed with a pale amber that fades to near white as the
day progresses. Good bud count and diamond dusting offers ample
display in the August and September garden. Introduced by Tranquil
Lake Nursery.

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   SHIRLEY WILD (Bechtold) 34”, D., M.L.                                             $12.00

Large and tall, chartreuse yellow spider form. Blooms in the August

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   SKIATOOK CARDINAL (Hancock) 28", D., M.                         $18.00

Red spider-like daylily with darker red eyezone and yellow throat.   Segments ar twisted and recurved.  Extended blooming.

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  SKIPPY (Russell) 28", D., E., 3 ½"                                               $18.00

The brightest early deep red we grow. Velvety textured pony sized flower. 

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  SPRING FANTASY (Lester) 36", D., Ex.E.                                      $12.00

Earliest large flowered daylily to bloom at the nursery. Starts the quality season. Lilac and yellow bicolor with good substance. The large flowers on tall scapes sway in the breeze. 

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  STAR DREAM (Fass) 36”, D., M.                                                                $18.00

Tall yellow daylily. Fragrant and extended blooming.

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  STOPLIGHT (Childs) 36”, D., M.L.                                             $10.00

Carmine-red spider with green throat. Large flaring spider form. Reblooms.

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  SWAN BALLET (Lester) 30”, D., E.M.                                                        $10.00

Attractive and distinct triangular form sets off this fine lemon-yellow daylily.  Quite special.

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  TETRINA'S DAUGHTER (Fay) 36", S.Ev., M.L. 5" (T)                     $12.00

Tall, beautiful, nocturnal daylily with bright yellow flowers.  Fragrant and extended blooming.

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  THUNBERGII (Species) 24", ExE., 5"                                                   $18.00

Very early, pale-yellow, bell-shaped daylily with wide-open form.

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  TINKER BELL (Stevens) 30”, D., E.M., 2 ½”                                           $10.00

Multiflora miniature of golden-orange bells on heavily branched
scapes. Very showy.

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  TRAHLYTA (Childs) 30", D., E.M., 6 1/2"                                        $12.00

Unique grayed violet with a darker purple eyezone and green throat.  Very fragrant. Spider-like form with an unusual color.  Reblooms.

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  TRANQUIL STAR (Tranquil Lake Nursery) 24”, D., M.L. to L., 5”       $15.00

This August blooming yellow star-like daylily was found in the fields at
Tranquil Lake Nursery. 

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  TWIST OF LEMON (Brooks) 33", D., E.M., 7" (T)                                $15.00

Pale, lemon-yellow flower with twisting segments and spider-like form.  Green throat on this extended blooming daylily.

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  WILD JOY (Claar-Parry) 34", D., L., 6"                                    $18.00

Large, pale peach-pink flower with showy heliotrope eyezone and pale-lavender midribs near the green-yellow throat. Unique color combination among the late bloomers. Extended blooming. 

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  WINDSOR TAN (Nesmith) 28", D., M.                                        $18.00

Large warm tan and buff flower. Petals are a soft brown, sepals are light yellow flushed sepia. Unique variety. H.M. Award. 

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  YELLOW RIBBON (Kraus) 32", D., M.                                                         $15.00

Huge canary yellow with long spidery petals.

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We are building stock on the following spider and spider-like flowering daylilies (Hemerocallis), and they will be available in future years: Arriba; Black Plush; Carolicollossal; Coral Crab; Donna Lenington; Esperanza; Exotic Pheasant; Felicity; Great Connection; Green Dragon; Hesperus; Jean, Lady Fingers; Lydia Bechtold, Marse Connell; Nina Winegar; Parade Guest; Pink Super Spider; Princess Irene; Raspberry Lake; Resplendent; Risen Star; Ron Dunn; Roy Winterburn Smith; Sammy; Saratoga Pinwheel; Spider Breeder; Sweet Jasmine, Symphony; The Elephant; Tetra Charlemagne; Try It and Willie Belle..


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45 River Street Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769-1395Phone: 508-252-4002 Fax: 508-252-4740 or send an e-mail to tranquil-lake@earthlink.net