Reblooming Daylilies M to Z


At Tranquil Lake Nursery, there are a number of daylilies that bloom once and then send up additional scapes to produce a second season of bloom.  A few will even bloom for a very long time, crossing nearly the whole daylily season.   These Repeat blooming varieties will add color and interest to your garden for a long season of bloom.  The repeat blooming daylilies listed below are in good supply. We have smaller numbers of many other repeat blooming flowers.We ship healthy double-fan divisions or clumps (4-5 fans), unless other-wise indicated. Occasionally, low stock varieties and some new introductions will be shipped as single fans. Our guarantee still applies.

Abbreviations used, in sequence:

4"  - Flower size

D. - Dormant (foliage goes totally brown in early winter)

Ex.E - Extra early blooming

M.L. - Late midseason

(CL) - 4-5 fans

S.Ev. - Semi-evergreen ( may retain a small portion of green foliage during winter)

E. - Early blooming

H. M. - Honorable Mention

(T) - Tetraploid

Ev. - Evergreen ( reacts the same as Semi-evergreen here in the North)

E.M. - Early midseason

J. C. - Junior Citation of American Hemerocallis Society

35" - Flower scape height

M. - Midseason

Click here for a list of all available daylilies in alphabetical order 

or here for printable file of our most popular daylilies and iris.

To Order:    Click here and Go to Order Form:      


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Mail to: Tranquil Lake Nursery 

at: 45 River Street    Rehoboth, MA 02769


or fax order form to us at (508) 252-4740


or send an email to Tranquil Lake Nursery


or you can call us with your order at (800) 353-4344


or if you would like to purchase daylilies online, click "Add to Cart" under the picture of the daylily.



Reblooming Daylilies Reblooming Daylilies   A to D     or    E to L  

  MAGIC KISS (Roberts) 26”, S.Ev., E.M., 6” (T)                                             $18.00

Ruffled and round delicate pale-pink flower with a deeper pink halo, rose-pink eyezone and light yellow-green throat. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  MARY GUNTER X SPRING FANTASY (Russell) 36”, Ev., E.                            $18.00

Early blooming and tall red bicolor. Reblooms.

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  MAY MAY (Hayward) 30”, S.Ev., E., 3 ½”                                                       $12.00

Small, very pale, creamy yellow with green throat that looks near white from a distance. Nocturnal, fragrant and reblooms for us from June to frost. Good bud count and long season make it a good choice for any garden.

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 MAY UNGER (Unger) 22”, Ev., E.M., 5 ½” (T)                                              $15.00

Pink blend with green throat. Low growing. Blooms in June and reblooms. H.M. Award.

 MEXICAN WAY (Reckamp) 30”, S.Ev., M.L., 6” (T)                                        $15.00

Pretty tangerine-pink blend. Large with a soft smooth look. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

 MIDDENDORFFII (Species) 22”, D., Ex.E.                                                           $12.00

Earliest daylily to bloom here. Small orange-yellow flowers. Beautiful upright low foliage. Very fine for edging. Sometimes reblooms. Known as the Amur daylily. Native to Russia, China, Korea and Japan.  

 MINI PEARL (Jablonski) 16”, D., E.M., 3”                                                          $15.00

Excellent, small blush-pink flower with a green-lemon throat and good bud count. Nice low growing addition to the June garden. Shiny foliage and fair rebloom for us. Extended blooming. 

  MONARCH'S SECRET (Elliott) 24”, D., L., 6 ½”                                           $15.00

Intense poppy-red flower with lighter red halo above a bright-green throat. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  MONROVIA GEM (Hawkinson) 32”, Ev., E.M., 5” (T)                                $15.00

Stunning tall orange with a brushed red-orange eyezone. Blooms in June and reblooms.

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  MUNCHKIN MOON (Hudson) 16”, Ev., E.M., 2 ¾ ”                                      $18.00

Miniature of butter yellow and gold blend with green throat. Low growing. Reblooms. J.C. and H.M. Awards.

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  MY TRADITION (Sellers) 26”, D., M., 6” (T)                                                   $18.00

Pretty and large, yellow daylily with green throat. Fragrant and reblooms. H.M. Award.

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    MY MELINDA (Warner) 24", D., M., 3 ½” (T)                                $18.00

Small pink daylily with a green throat. Reblooms.   

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  MY SECRET HEART (Elliott) 22”, S.Ev., M.L. 7”                                       $18.00

Tangerine flower with near-white eyezone. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  NEON YELLOW (Randolph) 32”, D., E., 5 ½” (T)                                            $15.00

Gorgeous, tall, vivid lemon-yellow daylily with a heavy pink overlay and a lemon-yellow throat. Very sunfast. Fragrant with heavy substance and light rebloom on this large, early blooming daylily. Extended blooming. H.M. Award

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  NEVERMORE (Wheeler) 40", Ev., E.                                                                  $18.00

Tall, early blooming, deep blackish-red spider-like daylily. Fragrant and reblooms. 

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  NOTORIOUS (Munson, R.W.) 28", S.Ev., M., 5" (T)                                  $18.00

Large, velvety bright wine-red flower with yellow-green throat. Lightly ruffled. Excellent. Reblooms.

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  NOUVEAU RICHE (Apps) 26”, D., E.M., 4 ¾”                                                    $18.00

A superb, small flowered red with a small red eye. Light rebloom in the fall makes it an excellent perennial border plant. Fragrant and extended blooming. H.M. Award.

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  ONLY ONE (Wild) 30", D., M.L., 4 ½"                                                           $15.00

Delightful, small, bright cranberry with darker wine eyezone and green throat for the August garden. Attractive ruffling. Reblooms.

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  OODLES (Joiner) 24”, D., M., 4 ½”                                                                   $12.00

Excellent, showy rose-pink double with melon green throat. Good sized, flowers and flaring center doubling. Reblooms.

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  OODNADATTA (Smith) 30”, S.Ev., E.M., 6” (T)"                                              $18.00

Beautifully formed and ruffled, purple-plum flower with darker eyezone and yellow-green throat. Light fragrance on this daylily with excellent color that holds especially well in the hot sun. Reblooms.

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  OPHIR (Farr) 50”, S.Ev., M.                                                                               $15.00

Very tall, orange-yellow star-shaped daylily. Fragrant and extended
blooming. Reblooms.

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  ORANGE BOWL (McEwen) 28”, D., Ex.E. 5 ¾” (T)                                       $12.00

Clear bright orange with wide petals. Lightly ruffled and very round form. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms. A beauty with very early bloom.

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  ORANGEMAN (Yeld) 24”, D., Ex.E.                                                                 $12.00

Extra early blooming bright orange, star-shaped flower. Brightens the early garden. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  ORCHID BALLET (Moldovan) 22”, S.Ev., E.M., 5 ¾” (T)                             $12.00

An orchid-pink blend with prominent raised silvery midribs and green-yellow throat. Large flowers on compact foliage. Reblooms.

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  ORCHID CORSAGE (Saxton) 32", D., M.L., 7 ½"                                          $12.00

Huge, orchid lavender with a light yellow starburst throat adds to an overall exotic look. Petals twist lightly and gently recurve. Fragrant and reblooms.

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  OUACHITA BEAUTY (Pitard) 36", Ev., E.M.                                              $18.00

Large and tall, pretty pink-orchid pastel polychrome spider with orchid halo. Unusual. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  PAINTED LADY (Russell) 36”, Ev., M.                                                           $12.00

Tall and very large cinnamon-orange washed gold polychrome with darker veins in petals and sepals. Spider like, extended blooming and reblooms. A.M. and Stout Medal awards.

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  PALACE CONCUBINE (Moldovan) 28”, Ev., M.L., 6” (T)                            $15.00

Medium-pink blend with gold-green throat for the August garden. Large, fragrant and reblooms.

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  PANDORA'S BOX (Talbott) 19", Ev., E.M., 4"                                               $10.00

A striking, small, rich cream with violet-purple eyezone and a green throat. A real show stopper with heavy bloom that always turns heads in the nursery. Fragrant and reblooms. Low growing. J.C., H.M. and A.M. Awards.

  PAPAL GUARD ( Munson) 24”, S.Ev., M.L., 6” (T)                                      $18.00

Large red daylily with yellow-green throat. Blooms in August and reblooms. J.C. Award.

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  PAPER DRAGON (Munson, R.W.) 24", Ev., E.M., 6" (T)                             $18.00

Large, fragrant, russet and lilac-amber blend with lime-green throat. Extended blooming. First blooms in June and reblooms later.

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  PARDON ME (Apps) 18", D., M., 2 ¾"                                                             $15.00

Fragrant bright red miniature with yellow-green throat. High bud count. Low growing. Nocturnal daylily that reblooms. H.M. and A.M. Awards.

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  PARTY FAVOR (Sikes) 18”, D., E.M., 5”                                                            $18.00

Pale-yellow double with a green-yellow throat for the June garden. Low growing and reblooms.

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  PATTERNS (Lambert) 26", D., E., 4 ½"                                                           $15.00

Pretty, small, mauve-lavender daylily with darker purple eyezone and chartreuse-green throat. One of the first daylilies to bloom here. Faint fragrance and rebloom. 

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  PATTI NEYLAND (Sholar) 26”, D., M., 2 ¾”                                               $10.00

Lovely, well branched light persimmon-orange miniature with chartreuse throat. Color resembles scoops of frosty-peach sherbet. Reblooms.

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  PEACH PINWHEEL (Hall) 26”, D., M.L., 7 ½”                                                $18.00

Enormous, iridescent peach and cream-pink blend with glowing
apricot throat for the August garden. Faint fragrance.

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  PEACH RIPPLES (Roycroft) 26", D, E.M., 5"                                                    $18.00

Very pretty pale peach-pink self with a green throat. Reblooms.

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  PERSIAN MARKET (Munson, R.W.) 27”, Ev., M., 7” (T)                              $18.00

Beautiful, large velvety deep rose with rose-red eyezone and gold throat. Marvelous color. Fragrant and reblooms. H.M. Award. 

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  PERSIAN PLUM (Munson) 30”, S.Ev., E., 6” (T)                                           $18.00

Distinctive mauve-plum flower with lime-gold throat, twisted sepals and faint burgundy eyezone. Large flower with round form that opens very flat. Lightly fragrant, blooms early and reblooms. H.M. Award. 

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  PIXIE PARASOL (Hudson) 14”, S.Ev., E.M., 2 ¼”                                             $10.00

Cute, apricot-peach-pink miniature with a green throat. Low growing. Blooms in June and reblooms. J.C. Award.


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  PRAIRIE CHARMER (Marsh) 20”, D., E.M., 6”                                            $10.00

Popular, large ruffled pinkish-melon flower with wide bright purple halo and green Low growing and reblooms. H.M. and A.M. Awards.


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  PRECIOUS LEGACY (Elliott) 27", S.E.v, M., 8"                                                 $18.00

Very large and very fragrant, purple with a blue wash and green throat. Reblooms. 

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  PRIDES CROSSING (Pride) 32", D., M., 7" (T)                                                $12.00

Large and tall, superb flowers of soft-peach apricot and yellow with a fine green throat. Precisely ruffled petals have a pale-violet midrib that deepens in color during the day. Reblooms. J.C. and H.M. Awards. Introcuced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1977.


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  PRINCESS MOONBEAM (Moldovan) 26”, D., M.L., 6” (T)                            $15.00

Large, salmon and cream-pink blend with large cream-yellow throat for the August garden. Fragrant and reblooms. 

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  PROSPECTOR’S DELIGHT (Elliott) 24", S.Ev., E., 8"                                     $18.00

Very fragrant, bright lemon self with lime green throat. Reblooms. 

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  PUPPET SHOW (Moldovan) 26", D., E, 4" (T)                                               $15.00

Pony-sized, ruffled cream, yellow and melon blend with pink wash and small yellow-green throat. Fragrant. Blooms early and reblooms for us. 

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  PURPLE DE ORO (DeGroot) 20", D., 3"                                                            $18.00

Small, medium dark purple with lighter midribs and edge above
gold throat. Low growing and reblooms.

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  PURPLE PRIZE (Cruse) 24", Ev., E.M., 5 ½"                                                   $12.00

Large purple daylily with a green throat. Regularly blooms for us in late June and reblooms again in August.

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  QUEEN ELEANOR (Peck) 34”, D., M. (T)                                                          $12.00

Tall, shell-pink flower with lavender midribs and green throat.
Fine quality extended bloomer. Reblooms. 

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  RASPBERRY FROLIC (Jablonski) 24", D., E., 5 ¼" (T)                               $18.00

Pretty lavender daylily with darker halo. Fragrant and extended
blooming. Blooms in June and reblooms.

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  RED DECORUM (Elliott) 27”, S.Ev., M., 6 ½” (T)                                         $18.00

Large, rose flower with rose eye and large yellow throat.
Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms. 

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  RED DUNDANCY (Sobek) 25", D., E.M., 3 ⅛"                                               $18.00

Another child of "In Strawberry Time" that has created a different result and the added pleasure of rebloom. A nocturnal miniature with petals the color of soft rose and a slightly darker rose eyezone above a large throat of yellow shading to apple green. With more ruffling than the parent, this cultivar becomes a very sweet, pleasing flower for the garden. Not a high bud count but rebloom occurs soon after the first blooms are extinguished or even missed. Reblooms for us in the late season. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006

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  RED MONARCH (Pride) 32", D., M. to L., 7 ½" (T)                                       $18.00

Very large, sunfast, rich-red flower with a large deep-green throat that holds all through the day. Tall, with tremendous branching and long bloom season. Reblooms for us in the late season. J.C. Award. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1980.

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  RED RUM (Pittard) 15", S.Ev., M., 4"                                                             $12.00

Small, deep rusty-red flower with luminous yellow-green throat.
Low growing and extended blooming. Reblooms. A.M. and H.M.

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  REDWOOD NOCTURNE (Elliott) 26", S.Ev., L., 7"                                          $18.00

Large, dark claret-red daylily with olive throat. Fragrant and
extended blooming. Reblooms.

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   REVOLUTE (Sass) 46”, D., M.L.                                                                         $12.00

Tall and large, crisp, clear greenish-yellow flower with open semi-spider
form. Extended blooming. Reblooms. Stout Medal winner.

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  ROSE TATTOO (Moldovan) 26”, D., E., 5 ½” (T)                                           $18.00

Early, rose-pink blend with white edges and green-yellow throat.
Fragrant and reblooms. 

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  ROSEMONT PINKIE (Mayfield) 16”, D., E., 3”                                               $18.00

Lightly ruffled, clear-pink miniature with green throat. Low growing and extended blooming with light rebloom. J.C. and H.M. Awards. 

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  ROSY FRAGRANCE (Rogers, A.,) 32", D., E.M., 6 ¾”                                  $18.00

Tall, rose and lavender-rose blend with gold edge and green
throat. Very fragrant. Blooms in June and reblooms. 

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  ROSY RETURNS (Apps) 16", D., Ex.E. to V.L., 3 ¾"                                   $12.00

Rose-pink blend with rose-purple band above a yellow throat.
Low growing. Fragrant and reblooms.

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  ROYAL LEGACY (Munson, R.W.) 24”, D., M.L., 6” (T)                           $18.00

Large, yellow-cream flower with lemon throat for the August
garden. Reblooms.

  ROYAL OCCASION (Apps) 26", S.Ev., M., 4 ¾"                             $18.00

Stunning small violet flower with a darker, almost black, eyezone.
Fragrant and reblooms. One of Darryl Apps' best. H.M. Award.  

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 RUBY STELLA () 16", D., E.M., 3"                                                   $15.00

Vibrant wine red flowers with a yellow-orange throat and consistent rebloom through the season. Fragrant.

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  RUFFLED PANTALOONS (Webster) 28”, D., M., 7” (T)                $15.00

Large and very fragrant, pale pink daylily with a green throat.
Crimped and ruffled edges. Reblooms.

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 RUM PLUM (Pride) 28", D., E.M., 5 ½" (T)                  $15.00

Violet-purple flower with darker eyezone and a yellow-green throat.  This beautiful and unusually colored daylily brings exclamations from all who see it.  Reblooms. First introduced by Tranquil lake Nursery in 1977.

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 RUMBLE SEAT ROMANCE (Elliott) 22” D., M., 4 ½”                                 $15.00

Fragrant, small bright lemon daylily with deep green throat.

  SANDRA HUGHES (Unger) 24" Ev., M., 5 ½"                                              $12.00

Cream daylily with orchid midribs and a very green throat.  Extended blooming.  Reblooms.

   SAVANNAH MOON (Joiner) 26”, D., E.M., 7”                                         $18.00

Large yellow flower with deeper yellow center that blooms in the June
garden and then reblooms.

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  SEASIDE DANCER (Elliot) 22”, S.Ev., E.M., 3”                                            $15.00

Peach-pink miniature daylily with a tangerine-coral band above dark olive
throat. Very fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms. 

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  SEEING IS BELIEVING (Elliott) 28", S.Ev., M.La., 7 1/4" (T)                  $18.00

Very fragrant, blue purple with slate eye above lime throat. Reblooms. 

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  SENTIMENTAL REASONS (Elliott) 23", S.Ev., M., 6 ½"               $18.00

Rose-cardinal daylily with crimson overtones and a bright green throat. Very fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  SHERWOOD CHEER (Rogers, A.) 32", D., E., 5 ½”                                     $18.00

Early blooming, rose-orange blend with a large green throat.

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   SHERWOOD GLADIATOR (Rogers, A.) 54”, S.Ev., E.M., 6” (T)           $15.00

Tall, fragrant lemon-yellow daylily with tiny green throat. Blooms
in late June and then reblooms in the late season.

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  SHERWOOD SWEET OLIVIA (Rogers-Turnbow) 25", D., E.M., 4 ¾”       $18.00

Small melon daylily with blushed rose castings and green throat.
Blooms in the late June garden and then reblooms. 

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  SHOLA (Hankins) 28", D., M., 8" (T)                                        $12.00

Huge, burnished copper-bronze with ruffled yellow edging, pale yellow center and very heavy substance.  Extended blooming.  Reblooms. 

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   SIENNA DUSK (Elliot) 23”, S.Ev., L., 5 ½”                             $15.00

Late blooming, bright copper flower with a red eyezone. Fragrant
and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  SILOAM HELPMATE (Henry) 25", D., M., 4 ¼"                                    $15.00

Beautiful medium sized red flower with a green throat. Extended
blooming. Reblooms well here. H.M. Award. 

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   SILOAM LITTLE GIRL (Henry) 18”, D., M., 3 ¾”                                  $18.00

Small, well branched shrimp-pink flower with rose eyezone and green
throat. A rebloomer that gets attention here. Low growing. H.M. Award.

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   SILOAM NUGGET (Henry) 20”, D., E.M., 5”                                           $18.00

Brilliant orange-gold flower with marvelous color clarity. Round flat
form and green throat. Low growing and extended blooming. Reblooms.
H.M. Award.

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   SILOAM SUGAR TIME (Henry) 20”, D., M., 2 ⅞”                              $12.00

Ruffled light apricot flower with burgundy eyezone and green
throat. Fragrant and reblooms lightly. J.C. Award.

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  SILVER POTENTATE (Munson, R. W.) 30", Ev., E.M., 6" (T)      $18.00

Pale silvery-lilac daylily with cream throat. Fragrant and reblooms. J.C. Award.

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  SKYE DANCE (Elliot) 22", S.Ev., M., 7"                                       $18.00

Lavender flower with a blue eyezone.  Fragrant and extended blooming.  Reblooms.

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  SNOW SHADOWS (Munson, R. W.) 26”, S.Ev., M.L., 5” (T)                        $18.00

Pale-lilac daylily with green-cream throat. Fragrant and reblooms.

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  SNOWY APPARITION (Childs) 30", D., E.M., 6 ½" (T)                            $15.00

Large, near-white flower with creamy-green throat. Lightly
fragrant and reblooms.

  SO SWEET (Lenington) 22”, S.Ev., E., 4 ½”                                                 $15.00

Lovely, early blooming, small pale-yellow daylily. Reblooms regularly
for us in the late season.

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  SOFTLY SPOKEN (Moore) 28", D., E., 5 ½”                                                $18.00

Ruffled soft-pink daylily with a light cream throat. Reblooms.  

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  SOLAR POWER (Gates) 34”, S.Ev., E., 7” (T)                                             $18.00

Dark orange flower with a yellow-green throat. Fragrant and reblooms.  

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  SOUTH SEAS (Moldovan) 30", D., M., 5 ½” (T)                                    $15.00

Tangerine-coral flower with a red-coral band above a yellow-green throat. Nocturnal, fragrant and reblooms.  

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 SOVEREIGN QUEEN (Munson) 30”, S.Ev., M., 6” (T)              $18.00

Lightly fragrant, bluish-lavender flower with a large cream throat. Reblooms.

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  SPICE CAKE (Lambert) 34", D., E.M., 6"                                               $15.00

Chocolate stippling spills out of chocolate-maroon eyezone over rosy tan petals. Unusual color reminiscent of name. Extended blooming. Reblooms lightly.

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 SPRITELY LASS (Hudson) 16”, Ev., E.M., 3”                                               $12.00

Miniature of light cherry to rose red with a green throat. Tailored, very
round form. Well branched with a good bud count. Reblooms.

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  STACY FORD (Sholar) 28”, D., E.M., 2 ½”                                                $15.00

Tiny clear yellow miniature. Reblooms.

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  STARSTRUCK (Yonski) 24”, D., M.L., 5 ½” (7")                                        $12.00

Big, bright golden-cream blooms with ruffles, good substance and a green throat. Blooms early for us in June and then reblooms in August into September. Great performer with good bud count that blooms past Labor Day. Nice fragrance. Opens well on cool mornings.

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  STELLA DE ORO (Jablonski) 11”, Ev., E.M. to V.L., 2 ¾”                       $8.00

This marvelous, small bright yellow-gold miniature with a small green throat is well deserving of all its praise. It starts blooming early and sends up new flower scapes until frost. Fragrant and low growing. H.M., A.M. and Stout Medal Awards.

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  STOPLIGHT (Childs) 36”, D., M.L.                                             $10.00

Carmine-red spider with green throat. Large flaring spider form. Reblooms.

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  STRAWBERRY SWIRL (Moldovan) 30”, D., M., 5 ½” (T)       $18.00

Pink flower with red-pink eyezone and green-yellow throat. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  SUN SOUFFLE (Gates) 22”, S.Ev., E.M., 5” (T)                                 $12.00

Round and ruffled, burnished amber flower with a green throat. Fragrant and reblooms. J.C. Award.

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  SUN'S EYE (Kirchoff) 32”, S.Ev., E.M., 5” (T)                                    $12.00

Fragrant apricot and yellow blend with a green-yellow heart. Reblooms.
J.C and H.M. Awards.

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  SUPER DOLL (Joiner) 20”, S.Ev., E., 3 ¾”                                    $18.00

Fragrant apricot daylily with a green throat. Reblooms.

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  SUPER STELLA (Jablonski) 14”, D., M., 2½”                                            $12.00

Tiny pale-yellow flower with green throat. Extended blooming.

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  SURPRISE PACKAGE (Fay) 28”, D., M.L., 5” (T)                                        $18.00

Warm, golden yellow with heavy substance. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  SWAMP YANKEE (Hathaway) 34”, D., L., 6” (T)                                      $15.00

Large, bright gold which extends the season by starting late and sending up repeated scapes until a hard frost. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  SWEET JASMINE (Childs) 32”, D., E.M., 6"                                           $15.00

Pale jasmine yellow with white midribs and prominent radiating green throat. Fragrant and reblooms.

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    SWEETEST STORY (MacMillan) 24", Ev., E. to L., 5 1/2                           $15.00

Showy lilac and cream-pink blend with very green throat.  Wide petals with heavy substance.  Starts early and continues to bloom into the late season. Reblooms.

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  TAMLIN (Peck) 24”, D., M., 6” (T)                                                            $15.00

Rose-pink daylily with deep rose eyezone and yellow throat. Reblooms.

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  TANGO TIGER (Elliott) 21", S.Ev., E.M., 4 ½”                                       $18.00

Vermillion-rose daylily with vermillion eyezone and green throat. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  TEXAS DANCING (Warner) 26”, D., M., 6” (T)                                        $15.00

Clear-pink flower with green throat. Extended blooming. Reblooms. J.C. Award.

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  THREE SEASONS (Sobek) 21", D., Ex.E. to V.L., 2"                                 $12.00

Miniature, light yellow jewel with a small green throat. Reblooms, almost spanning the daylily season here, with nine buds per scape and 3 or 4 scapes per fan. Nocturnal and extended blooming.  Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1996. 

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  TINY STELLA (Jablonski) 10", D., Ex.E. to V.L.                               $10.00

Petite light gold nocturnal with green throat.  Very low growing.  Perfect for pots or the front of the garden.    Reblooms.

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  TRAHLYTA (Childs) 30", D., E.M., 6 1/2"                                        $12.00

Unique grayed violet with a darker purple eyezone and green throat.  Very fragrant. Spider-like form with an unusual color.  Reblooms.

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  TRANSCENDENT ARTISTRY (Apps) 34", D., E.M., 4 1/4"         $18.00

Fragrant, white violet blend edged with a white border and yellow to green throat. Reblooms.

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  VINTAGE WINE (Munson) 32", S.Ev., E.M., 6" (T)                  $18.00

Large, deep wine-purple flower with unusual dark chalky-plum eyezone and cream-green throat. Very attractive and a heavy bloomer. Fragrant and reblooms. J.C. Award.

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  VOLUPTUOUS PINK (Kennedy) 19", D., M.L., 5"                              $18.00

Rose-pink bitone edged gold with pale-pink midribs and yellow-pink watermark above light apricot throat. Fragrant and reblooms.  

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  WHEN MY SWEETHEART RETURNS (Apps) 23", D., M.La., 3 5/6"       $18.00

Light yellow with rose eye above greenish yellow throat. Reblooms.

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  WHICKERBILL (MacMilliam) 36", Ev., M. 3 1/2"                                    $12.00

Brilliant deep rose red with white midrib.  Reblooms.  Good branching.

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  YARD MASTER (Whatley) 28", D., M., 6 ½" (T)                                        $15.00

Large, beautiful clear medium-yellow flower with a green throat. Flat
opening with good form. A light rebloomer with excellent bud count.
Fragrant. H. M. and J. C. Awards.

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  YELLOW LOLLIPOP (Crochet) 11", D., E.M., 2 ¼"                                      $10.00

Low flowering, ruffled medium yellow miniature. Good increaser and a
reliable rebloomer. Plant in pots or the front of the border. Extended
blooming. H.M. Award and Don Fischer Memorial Award for best
mini in 1988.

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  ZAGORA (Pride) 28", D., M., 5" (T)                                                              $12.00

Exotic, rich, deep amber and burnt orange flower with striking purple
eyezone and prominent gold edge on all petals. Absolutely unique and
beautiful color combination. Reblooms.
Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1982.

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  ZENOBIA (Munson, R. W.) 26 ", S.Ev., E.M., 5 " (T)                                   $15.00

Exquisite, creamy-pink pastel with a glowing cream throat. Lightly ruffled.
Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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Reblooming Daylilies   A to D     or    E to L 

We are building stock on the following very late blooming daylilies (Hemerocallis), and they will be available in future years:  Apricot; Altamira; Beauty Mark; Becky Lynn; Beverly McConnell; Blue Prelude; Bouquet of Ruffles; Buffy's Doll; Bungaree; Cabellero; Caprician Honey Gold; Carolicollosal; Chateau Blanc; China Calm; Cool Delight; Creme Brulee; Dark Enchantment; Decatur Cherry Smash; Enchantingly Beautiful; English Gentry; Esperanza; Fairy Frosting; Fashion Trend; Felicity; French Porcelain; Gold Dust; Heap Good; Henry Baker; High Priestess; Joan Senior; Leslie Ball; Little Business, Little Maggie; Maestro Leonardo; Magic Wand; Mariska;  Mary Gunet X Spring fantasy; Mavis Smith; Maw Maw; May Unger; Merci; Midnight Splendor, Ming Snow; Mission Choir; Mission madonna; Mist Maiden; Mokan Sunrise; Monica Marie; Monarch's Secret; Moon of Xanadu; Morning Melody; Mosiah; Mount Sinai; Mountain Violet; My Belle; My Secret Heart; Nairobi;  Nairobi Nights; Notorious; Novel Idea; Olive Bailey Langdon; Oliver Monette; Oriental Mist; Painted Lady; Palace Concubine; Palace Pearls; Palace Purple; Paper Butterfly; Pasha'a Passport; Peacock Maiden; Persian Market; Persian Plum; Phantom Ring; Phoenician Ruffles; Picasso; Pink Abundance; Pink Attraction; Pink Abundance; Pink Super Spider; Pompeian Fantasy, Pony; Porcelain Treasure; Prester John, Prime Minister; Pure Bliss; Rahotep; Rain Goddess; Rain or Shine; Rainforest; Raspberry Frills; Red Valor; Red Wine; Robert Way Schlumpf; Ronda; Rosa Bryant; Rose Emily; Rose Tattoo; Royal Legacy; Sailing on Ice; Sammy; Samoan Song; Sari; Savannah Moon; Scarborough Lady; Seaside Dancer; Second Hand Rose; Secret's Out; Seductor; Sentimental Reasons; Shenandoah Snow; Sherwood Cameo; Sherwood Gladiator; Sherwood Late Show; Siamese Royalty; Silver Ice; Silver Potentate; Sing the Blues; Singapore Orchid; Sixteen Candles; Snow Ballerina; Snow Shadiws; Snowly Owl; Solar Fire; Sombrero Way; Sounds of Silence; South Shore; Spell Caster; Spode; Sultan's Warrior; Summertime Splendor; Sun and Snow; Sunburst Special; Sunshine Magic; Super Purple; Swamp Yankee; Sweet Jasmine; Tabasco Tiger; Tamlin; Texas Dancing; Thais; Tiffany Lass; Todd Monroe; Toltec Sundial; Tootsie Rose; Touch of Erin; Tuscan Countryside; Twilight Crepe; Tiger Butter; Tiffany Jane;Twilight Crepe; Victoria Elizabeth Barnes; When I Dream; White Dish; Wind Concerto and  Yellow Jewel.

Click here for a printable file of our most popular daylilies and iris.

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45 River Street Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769-1395 Phone: 508-252-4002 Fax: 508-252-4740 or send an e-mail to