Extra Early Blooming Daylilies


    At Tranquil Lake Nursery, a few daylilies begin blooming in late May and many others are producing quite a display in early to mid-June well before the traditional daylily (Hemerocallis) season of late June through mid-August.   These extra early blooming varieties will add color and interest to your late spring and early summer garden. The extra early blooming daylilies listed below are in good supply. We have smaller numbers of many other early blooming flowers.We ship healthy double-fan divisions or clumps (4-5 fans), unless other-wise indicated. Occasionally, low stock varieties and some new introductions will be shipped as single fans. Our guarantee still applies. 


To view early blooming daylilies, click here.

Abbreviations used, in sequence:

4"  - Flower size

D. - Dormant (foliage goes totally brown in early winter)

Ex.E - Extra early blooming

M.L. - Late midseason

(CL) - 4-5 fans

S.Ev. - Semi-evergreen ( may retain a small portion of green foliage during winter)

E. - Early blooming

H. M. - Honorable Mention

(T) - Tetraploid

Ev. - Evergreen ( reacts the same as Semi-evergreen here in the North)

E.M. - Early midseason

J. C. - Junior Citation of American Hemerocallis Society

35" - Flower scape height

M. - Midseason

Click here for a list of all available daylilies in alphabetical order 

or here for printable file of our most popular daylilies and iris.

To Order:    Click here and Go to Order Form:      


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Mail to: Tranquil Lake Nursery 

at: 45 River Street    Rehoboth, MA 02769


or fax order form to us at (508) 252-4740


or send an email to Tranquil Lake Nursery


or you can call us with your order at (800) 353-4344


or if you would like to purchase daylilies online, click "Add to Cart" under the picture of the daylily.



 ALNILAM (Saxton) 28", Ev., Ex.E., 4"                                             $12.00

Small rich brown petals with contrasting bright orange sepals. A very early blooming bicolor with an unusual color combination

Alnilam.jpg (4623 bytes)
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  APRICOT (Yeld) 34”, D., Ex.E.                                                         $18.00

Slightly fragrant, orange yellow flowers with a yellow halo. One of the first to bloom at the nursery, often in May. Clumps beautifully. Reblooms.

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  BIG TIME HAPPY (Apps) 18", D., Ex.E., 4"                                  $12.00

Small fragrant soft lemon yellow blooms with ruffled edges and a green yellow throat. Blooms early with extended blooming. Reblooms continually to frost. 

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  BITSY (Warner) 18", Ev., Ex.E., 1 ½"                                             $12.00

Tiny, very round, beautifully formed, crisp yellow flower. A classic and consistent rebloomer. Nocturnal and extended blooming. H.M. and A.M. Awards. 

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  BUSTING OUT ALL OVER (Sobek) 27", D., Ex E., 3"    $18.00

An amazing miniature daylily that is a very consistent rebloomer which can increases to a small clump after one growing season. This pale, cream-yellow flower has faint lavender midribs that lead to a green throat that give this soft colored hybrid a little star power in the garden. In 2010, this lovely plant bloomed three different times and our hard frosts of late September was all that halted new, emerging scapes from flowering. Branched scapes give several blooms per day during the peak of each sequence of rebloom. This can be a champion in any garden. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 2006. 

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  CHILD BRIDE (Warner) 18”, D., ExE., 3 ½” (T)                         $15.00

Bright orange-yellow flower of medium size. Unique feature is fantastic branching producing a mass of blooms. Low growing and very early blooming with extended blooming. Reblooms

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  DUMORTIERI (Species) 28", D., Ex.E., 4"                                      $12.00

Star-shaped, golden-yellow flower with unusual red-brown color on underside of sepals. The red buds are distinctive. Very fragrant. Foliage is blue green and spikey.

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  ELIZABETH (Norton) 36”, D., Ex.E., 5”                                          $12.00

The first daylily to bloom here. Very fragrant golden yellow. Charming tall and old fashioned daylily with extended bloom.

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  ELVES (Romine) 22” S.Ev., Ex.E., 2 ¾” (T)                                  $15.00

Lovely lemon self with small green throat. Consistent rebloom.

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  FLAVINA (Fewkes) 24”, D., Ex.E., 3 ½"                                        $12.00

Beautifully formed very fragrant bright yellow flower. Very early bloom time, one of the first to bloom here.

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  FOREVER STELLA (Jablonski) 14", D., Ex.E to V.L., 2 ½"         $10.00

Child of Stella de Oro that is even more floriferous, if that can be pictured. Fragrant yellow-gold nocturnal rebloomer.   Perfect in pots or the front of the border.

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  GENESEE COUNTRY (Bennett) 32”, D., Ex.E., 5” (T)                    $18.00

Coral-rose flower with green throat. Tall and very early blooming.

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  GOLD DUST (Yeld) 24”, D., Ex.E.                                                      $18.00

Extremely fragrant, extra early buttercup-yellow flower with long bloom season. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  GOLDORA (Sobek) 26", D., Ex.E., 2 ½”                                           $15.00

Very early, hot golden orange miniature. 

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  GRACILIS (unknown) 18”, D., Ex.E.                                                $15.00

Small flowered bright lemon yellow. Unusual low growing grassy foliage. Among the first to bloom in the spring. Reblooms for us in the late season.

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  HAPPY RETURNS (Apps) 18”, D., Ex.E., 3 ⅛”                               $10.00

Nice pale-yellow daylily that blooms early in the season and continues to rebloom until frost. Fragrant extended bloomer.

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   IN STRAWBERRY TIME (Sobek) 18”, D., EX.E.                            $12.00

Tantalizing, small flowered, lightly ruffled, dusty-rose blend with a strawberry-wine eyezone and creamy white midribs. Its early bloom season, alluring color and nocturnal quality make it a popular attraction at the nursery. Introduced by Tranquil Lake Nursery in 1998

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  JUDGE ORR (Orr) 24”, D., Ex.E.                                                        $18.00

Vies with Elizabeth for first to bloom in the spring. Fine golden-orange yellow. Very fragrant and reblooms. Extended blooming.  

  JUST IN JUNE (Englerth) 32”, D., Ex.E., 4”                                     $12.00

Very pretty early blooming lemon yellow. Blooms with and blends well with peonies and Siberian Iris. Fragrant and extended blooming. Good crisp heavy bloomer.  

 LEMON PRELUDE (McEwen) 21”, D., Ex.E., 5” (T)                        $15.00

Extra early, lemon-yellow flower with some green infusions. Beautifully branched with heavy texture. Fragrant. Low growing.  

  ME FIRST (Marvin) 32”, Ev., Ex.E. , 4" (T)                                   $10.00

One of the earliest tetraploid miniatures. Bright gold, ruffled flowers on tall, dark, sturdy scapes.

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 MIDDENDORFFII (Species) 22”, D., Ex.E.                                      $12.00

Earliest daylily to bloom here. Small orange-yellow flowers. Beautiful upright low foliage. Very fine for edging. Sometimes reblooms. Known as the Amur daylily. Native to Russia, China, Korea and Japan.  

  ORANGE BOWL (McEwen) 28”, D., Ex.E. 5 ¾” (T)                      $12.00

Clear bright orange with wide petals. Lightly ruffled and very round form. Fragrant and extended blooming. Reblooms. A beauty with very early bloom.

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  ORANGE PRELUDE (McEwen) 28”, D., Ex.E., 6” (T)                     $12.00

Bright tangerine-orange flower with good substance proclaims the early daylily season. Large with mild fragrance and high bud count. Extended blooming.

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  ORANGEMAN (Yeld) 24”, D., Ex.E.                                                 $12.00

Extra early blooming bright orange, star-shaped flower. Brightens the early garden. Extended blooming. Reblooms.

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  QUEEN OF GONZALES (Russell) 36”, Ev., Ex.E., 5"                    $15.00

Extra early, large and tall, brilliant orange with very heavy
substance. Extended blooming. Needs winter mulch here. 

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  ROSY RETURNS (Apps) 16", D., Ex.E. to V.L., 3 ¾"                    $12.00

Rose-pink blend with rose-purple band above a yellow throat.
Low growing. Fragrant and reblooms.

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  SARATOGA SPRINGTIME (Saxton) 24", D., Ex.E., 6" (T)          $15.00

Fragrant, orange flower with red halo and golden-orange throat. Very early blooming. 

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  SPRING FANTASY (Lester) 36", D., Ex.E., 7"                                  $15.00

Earliest large flowered daylily to bloom at the nursery. Starts the quality season. Lilac and yellow bicolor with good substance. The large flowers on tall scapes sway in the breeze. 

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  SPRING PURPLE (Saxton) 36", D., Ex.E., 5"                                 $18.00

A fine extra early dark mahogany-red flower, medium size. The earliest daylily with any real red in it. Extended blooming.  

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  STELLA DE ORO (Jablonski) 11”, Ev., E.M. to V.L., 2 ¾”             $8.00

This marvelous, small bright yellow-gold miniature with a small green throat is well deserving of all its praise. It starts blooming early and sends up new flower scapes until frost. Fragrant and low growing. H.M., A.M. and Stout Medal Awards.

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  THREE SEASONS (Sobek) 21", D., Ex.E. to V.L., 2 2/3"               $12.00

Miniature, light yellow jewel with a small green throat. Reblooms, almost spanning the daylily season here, with nine buds per scape and 3 or 4 scapes per fan.  Nocturnal and extended blooming.

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  THUNBERGII (Species) 24", ExE., 5"                                            $18.00

Very early, pale-yellow, bell-shaped daylily with wide-open form.

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  TINY STELLA (Jablonski) 10", D., Ex.E. to V.L.                         $10.00

Petite light gold nocturnal with green throat.  Very low growing.  Perfect for pots or the front of the garden.    Reblooms.

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We are building stock on the following extra early blooming daylilies.  They will be available in future years:  Allard Lowenstein; Apricot;  Beautiful Dreamer; Becky Lynn; Big Time Happy; Cleo Barnwell; Dwarf King; Esperanza; Flava Major; Gold Dust; Lavaliere; Little Orange Slices; Rain or Shine; Raspberry Frills; Saratoga Springtime; and Seductor.   


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45 River Street Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769-1395 Phone: 508-252-4002 Fax: 508-252-4740 or send an e-mail to tranquil-lake@earthlink.net